Olympic Games ended on 25 February with spectacular celebration. More than 35,000 spectators attended the closing ceremony in Pyoengchang stadium.

Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) called these games very successful in building a bridge for peace and cooperation:
“We have seen here how sport can make the world a better place. You have shown how sport brings people together in our fragile world; you have shown how sport builds bridges. The IOC will continue this Olympic dialogue, even after we extinguish the Olympic flame.”
The show featured Korean pop music and dance performances as well as puppet dances including a huge turtle. Turtles are highly revered animals in South Korea.
Athletes from South Korea and North Korea marched together under the Korean unification flag. countries participated. Norway, Germany and Canada had most medal winners. Norway topped the medal table with 29 medals, German athletes won 31 medals and Canada came third place with 29 medals. Both Norway and Germany won 14 gold medals. The US team which was the biggest of all teams taking part in these games, ranked fourth with 27 medals. Norwegian cross country skier Marit Bjorgen won five medals at these Games. The 37 year old skier retired after these games as the athlete with the most medals ever won by one athlete at the Winter Olympic Games. She had won 15 medals throughout her career. Fifteen-year-old figure skater Alina Zagitova was the youngest gold medallist at the Games. Lindsey Vonn of the USA was celebrated also as the most successful woman skier of all times.
The Olympic flag is handed over to Beijing
The ceremony ended when the Greek flag was raised again and the Olympic fire extinguished after the Olympic flag was handed over to the next The next Olympic Summer Games will be held in Tokyo in 2020 and the next Olympic Winter Games will take place in Beijing in 2022.