Mission & Vision
KWTG News is an educational platform for kids and teenagers aged 8 to 15 years. KWTG News shall serve as a tool for teachers and students to use in classrooms and for homeschooling parents to share relevant global news and information with their youngsters. The articles are sourced and edited by our team of teenage writers and editors.
With our news blog we want to
keep you informed with real facts and real news
share our fascination with interesting news from around the world
improve general knowledge about countries, peoples and cultures
excite, motivate and share good news
and improve digital literacy.
Be amazed and inspired to make this world a better place for all!
We are currently expanding our network with schools, please let us know if you want to have more insights into our schools programme.
We are always looking for networking opportunities in education. So feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact us